I hope you are all having a wonderful festival season so far. Here at Hyperloop Central we are pretty much ready for tomorrow. I still has a mitten to finish and some baking to do, but things are pretty much under control. The weather is chilly but we have a fire in the grate and thick socks on to keep our toes warm. Lets hope that we have all been good enough to feature on the right list this year and that Santa brings us each a tiny gift for joy tonight.
I'd like to take the time today to wish all of our readers and all the people that have contributed to this blog a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! I hope that 2009 brings you all health, happiness and peace.

For most of us Christmas day is full of fun and food, but take a few moments out today to remember those people that might be alone at this festive time. Maybe a quick trip to a neighbour, that might otherwise be alone, with some mince pies or a few cookies. Would it be hard to fit another person at the table tomorrow for Christmas lunch? Take a trip to a local nursing home and visit with someone that has no living friends or relatives. Take them a card and a smile... That's really all it takes to make someone's Christmas more special. Trust me, it's not a one way thing either. Seeing someone smile, really smile with delight, at a wonderful surprise is worth a million dollars!
That's so sweet of you to feature my photograph! Thanks so much! Happy Holidays!
fresh photography for hip homes