Yesterday, being Valentine's day, got me to thinking about people and things I love and am passionate about. The result is I realise that as well as my family, and Jon and his family, the things that matter to me most are my health, hula hooping, poi, juggling, and being able to express my creativeness in many ways. Crochet, knitting, sewing, drawing, writing... all these things are important to me.
It also occurred to me that I'm attracted to people who are also passionate about what they do. That goes for when I shop too. I'm drawn to shops that seem to care about what they sell. Sellers on-line that just ooze with joy about their goods and the process of making them will always get more of my attention than the sellers that just state facts about their goods.
I've told others before that enthusiasm is catching and that they should always write their descriptions with that in mind, but now I think it's more about showing your passion for what you make than just saying what you make is great or fabulous.Woolies is a lady that makes Pretty little hand knitted/felted animals. Each one has a short story to go with them, that not only personalises each one and gives them a character but also shows her passion for making them. This is cocoa the bossy cow.
LittleLily is a new comer to etsy. Her descriptions show a passion for life and her goods. This pretty little pendant is titled "R for renewal" and part of the description is "Every new day is a chance to start again. No matter what yesterday was like or what tomorrow may bring, isn't it wonderful to think of the fresh start the new day brings?"
Now shower art is an item that I have to admit on first look I would not have thought to buy, but having read UglyBaby's descriptions I'm utterly feeling where each piece originated from and how they came to be. I love her witty comments and her reasoning behind the making of each item so much so I'm mighty tempted to get some art into my shower! I won't be mocking her for not knowing Spinal Tap weren't a real band.... well ok maybe just a little bit of mocking is in order, hehehe...
Gush4plush is another person that adds character to their goods by describing them not only in materials and size but by offering a bit of background history to each one. Loopy the ninja chicken has some very dubious habits involving cow pats. You might have to keep your eye on him if you decide to take him home.
Anneliese writes her descriptions as if she were chatting to you about each one as you view them in her shop. She tells you a bit about the materials and her thoughts on the design of each piece. She enthuses passionately about the way they are conceived and put together. It's quite catching and makes you want to see more.
The way you talk about your goods in you listings can completely change the way customers see the item. Letting people know just how much you enjoyed the creative process or letting them get an insight into how the item came to be, helps them to feel like they could see themselves owning that piece. Don't be afraid to display your passion.
1 week ago
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