Hey all you lovely readers! This is a bit of a request post today.

I was linked to a site the other day that stirred my heart. The site is run by a group of people dedicated to an on going quest and they want everyone that can knit and crochet to join in. Basically what they need us to do is knit/crochet 8" squares that will be sewn together to make blankets for children that are made Orphans by Aids. There are so many dying of Aids in parts of Africa and.... well it would be easier if I
just link you to the site to see for yourself. They explain exactly what they are doing and why. My request today is that you take the time to join in with this project.

If you don't know how to knit/crochet, this could be the perfect reason to start learning. There are lots of
You Tube videos explaining how to do it. Nip over there and find one that suits you and get creating.
Learn to KnitLearn to CrochetMaking squares really is very easy and once you know how to knit/crochet you'll be able to whip one up in a really short time. Please, please, please find it in your heart to set aside some time to join in with this project. Use your crafty skills to help make someone else's life a little better!
Thank you!
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