Today I'm off to a Juggling convention in Bath to see lots of friends and have some fun with balls and hoops. To keep you entertained whilst I'm away I'm sharing some knickers with you, for life is no fun without pretty panties and I have 5 mighty pretty pairs of undies to show you today.Joanna Ketterer of Luva Huva designed and created these purple lovelies in super soft, environmentally friendly bamboo fabric. Joanna is based in London in the UK. You can buy her goods on-line and in boutiques in the UK, USA and Luxembourg.
Knickerocker's skull and crossbone panties are are just fabulous. I think I will have to buy Captain Skulduggery Dug a pair of these. Knickerocker's also have some wonder womanesque knickers I have my eye on.
BitchCraft printed this pretty steampunk heart boy shorts knickers. I love that they have a key printed on the front and a keyhole at the back. Very saucy! They are a great shape for showing off a curvy bottom.
Another pair of boy shorts are these gorgeous batik dragonfly ones from Potomac River Goods. This ladies shop is full of fabulous hand dye goodies. I'd love to have a talent like this. Batik items always appeal to me.
Recession panties made me chuckle. They are covered in silkscreen printed hand tools. Do you have a hammer or screw in your knickers? Hehehe... a fun design. I adore them!
Maybe it's time to have a spring clean of the underwear draw. Treat your bum! Get rid of all those undies that have turned a funny colour in the washing machine, or the ones with holes in and get yourself a whole new set of lovingly handcrafted knickers. I hope you enjoyed my choices and that you are having a great weekend so far. I'm away to wiggle in a hoop.
28 Feb 2009
Knickers to you all!
Posted by
Captain Skulduggery Dug
5:00 am
27 Feb 2009
I've been a ball juggler for many years. I'm in no way an expert,technical or number juggler, but I do love to juggle 3 balls in simple patterns with a bit of flare. It's a great way of taking your mind off your day to day problems and boost your eye hand coordination and left/right brain links. I find it calming and centring. When I used to work in a retail shop you could find me juggling away whenever there were no customers in the shop. It saved me from going mad with boredom. If you have never tried it, I think you should have a go. You might find it enhances your life.To get started I'd suggest you get yourself some beautiful balls made of fabric, like these from Pumpkinhaus. Fabric balls are less likely to roll away when you drop them (and you will drop them when learning) and if they also look beautiful they will attract your eye and make you want to pick them up to practice more than ugly ones.
These chainmaille balls from My good babushka are probably not the best for learning with but I do love the look of them and can imagine they feel really nice to juggle with. They will sparkle beautifully in the sunshine too.
Nuts about crochet has created a pattern for these cute little chicks, so if you can crochet you can make your own juggling balls, and who could resist picking these up and playing with them everytime you see them. You can also make them any colour you like and having different coloured balls can help when learning different juggling patterns.
What Katie did next was to create these utterly beautiful felt juggling balls. A rainbow of colours to choose from to suit your mood for the day. Today I'd be tempted by the bright orange ones as I'm feeling a bit lacking in zing and they would certainly zest up my day.
Yes I know, they are not juggling balls, but endulge me. Sacred heart fiber art makes another toy I love to play with that also help with spacial awareness and that is poi. These ones are in my favourite colours and made from felted wool... so that's another one of my lifes loves, wool!
I love all things object manipulationy (hmm stick with me even though I'm making up my own words)! I hula hoop, juggle, and spin poi. All these things are very dear to my heart and excite me. They keep me fit, help with my dyslexia and help me stay centred. Give juggling a try. You might find you like it.
Posted by
Captain Skulduggery Dug
10:12 am
Labels: juggling balls, poi
26 Feb 2009
Snapshots from the Flickr group
Today, in an attempt to show you lots more of our contributors of our Flickr group, I've put together a mini collage of some of the lovely items posted to the group. The contributors are listed and linked below back to their flickr accounts, so you can click through and see more of their fabulous work. Enjoy!
- Covetables
- Beadlady5
- Felt like stitchin
- halfanacre
- Jake and noel
- Jewelscapes artistic jewelry
- MeaCulpa Body and Bath
- Lesley Messam
- Mommysaurus
- Pupu1988
- Silver River Jewelry
- Sew Recycled
- Siansburys
- Starpixie
- Steampunkglass
- Vantiani
- Winchell ClayWorks
- alibalijewellery
- brsuich
- Devereaux Dane
Posted by
Captain Skulduggery Dug
1:03 pm
25 Feb 2009
Button up!
Are you, like me, a button collector/hoarder? I know it’s a bit sad but buttons makes me really happy. Not only is there an endless amount of different shapes, sizes and styles but it’s also the ultimate recycling. Most of my button collection has been donated to me from a friend’s mum. After hearing that I had started making and selling purses and brooches, she sent me her button collection to me in the post- it’s amazing! In return I sent a purse, with a button design made using a few from the collection. Next thing I know another button collection arrived, from someone I’d never met – but had heard that I was collecting buttons!
Anyway, enough about me, let’s see some handmade items…These gorgeous blue button earrings are made by Bethany Allen. Her shop also contains a matching bracelet and necklace. There’s even a special, discount price if you buy them altogether. They are simply perfect for a posh evening out or a wedding.
This amazing dial phone design iphone case from hinĂ©, is made using thick felt and buttons. It even has a little pocket at the back for your headphones. This shop also contains an equally delightful ‘camera camera case’ - it’s definitely worth a look! Check out her Flickr account too.
I love Dorset buttons – here are some lovely handmade buttons from bigbluebed, linked together to make a cute bracelet. This type of button was handmade in Dorset, surprisingly, until the industrial revolution, which brought with it a button making machine.
An incredibly cute card with buttons on from bybelinda. It’s such a lovely item, so simple but really stylish. This really pulled on my heart strings!
Lastly we have this ace orange and blue bracelet from milomade. It is packed full of vintage buttons and beads. Milomade has used vintage buttons in a variety of ways to produce a gorgeous selection of bracelets, brooches and phone charms.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my little button selection today. I better get back to sewing my own buttons (on brooches). I’m trying to finish of a few promotional items today, and an apron for a small child. Maybe I’ll sew some buttons onto the apron too. Why not!
Written by Rose of felt Giraffe
Posted by
Captain Skulduggery Dug
8:45 am
Labels: bracelet, buttons, earrings, jewellery, phone case, stationary
24 Feb 2009
Rose of Felt Giraffe
My hands aren’t that big in real life, honest!
After a bit of embarrassed panicking I started making different things, purses, pencil cases, cosmetic cases and giving them to friends. Everyone seemed quite impressed, so I started to convince myself that maybe I wasn’t that bad after all! So that’s basically how felt giraffe started. The giraffe bit, by the way is just because I love giraffes. Now I tend to make stuff using tweed as well as felt, after recycling a pair of my own tweed trousers into a friends birthday present!

So that’s a bit about me. I’ll be at the Cambridge h@ndmade fair UK, so come and say hi if you’re around! I hope you enjoy my posts every Wednesday.
Posted by
Captain Skulduggery Dug
8:42 am
Labels: felt giraffe, rose
23 Feb 2009
Thank you sponsors!
We like to thank the people that sponsor us with ads placed in our Project Wonderful advert boxes by featuring some of their goods every now and then. Without the sponsors we probably couldn't keep this blog going, so thank you all very much. Today I have flicked through the people that have bid on our advertising space and have picked out 5 peoples work to share with you.Isabel's Rose created this beautiful glass acorn pendant. I like the contrast of the shine of the acorn cup compared to the mat finish of the nut. It's lovely earthy tones also appeal to me. This lady also makes and sells glass hearts, bones, cupcakes and much more.
Can I interest anyone in a cup of hand bended tea? Liberteas is the creator of this Chocolate rose romance flavoured black tea. It sounds yummy to me. I drink a lot of tea and love flavoured tea. Mango flower is probably my favourate, or maybe Jasmine, but Liberteas has got me hankering for other flavours now!
Is your bathroom in need of a bit of a lift? Why not try some Swiss Alps soap from Soap Rehabilitation. It looks so beautiful and the scents listed sound to me like a great mix to wake you up with a smile first thing in the morning.
Regular readers will know I'm a bit of a lover of all things pirate. Cuftlynx created these pearly disc cuff links with skull and crossbones engraved on them. I think they would look fabulous in the cuffs of a swashbucklingly flouncy shirt. Yay pirate goodies!
I adore the pretty colours of this mug from Twisted River Clay. The big handle will insure it is easy to hold. I can imagine me sitting by the fire on a cold winters night cradling this cup full of hot chocolate in my hands and sipping the rich warm chocolatey beverage. Toasty warm!
So as you can see from my choices today, those ads top right can lead you to shops that are filled with stunningly beautiful handmade goods. Click through and see if you can't find yourself the perfect birthday gift for a friend or a gift for yourself to lift your day.
Posted by
Captain Skulduggery Dug
10:36 am
Labels: accessories, bath and beauty, cufflinks, cup holder, glass, mug, pendant, soaps, sponsors, tea
22 Feb 2009
Artisan of the week, Kwun of Treaclezoo
I love the name of this weeks artisan's shop. Treaclezoo is just one of the best names I've seen in ages! This shop is full of the cutest creatures and the yummiest looking faux food. I challenge you to look through her shops and not come away with a feeling of longing to own one of her items. Pook the cat might have to soon come and live at my house, but shhhh don't tell Jon I'm spending money.Could you please introduce us to who you are and what you do?
Hello, I’m Kwun, and I am the hands and heart behind Treaclezoo. I am lucky to be living on the border of London and Kent, enjoying easy reach of the buzzing city life where I was born & grew up, and lightning access to some of the most lovely English countryside. I took a career break to bring up our daughters, and like for many, crafting was a resumed pleasure from childhood.
I sew with felt and fabric, and I crochet, (mainly with acrylic wool as I have sensitive skin) making goodies that seem to largely fit the "kawaii" category: cute, fun, often anthropomorphic, regularly of little functional value yet often a "must have" because it just adds to the joy of life! So, amigurumi creatures and cute keepsake dolls are one strand, and the other reflects my love for food, which manifests in the ever popular playfood concoctions.What led you to take up your craft?
I learnt to crochet as a result of my first love – library books! I do believe it was a Ladybird book borrowed when I was around 9 years old. Sewing? Well, my mum was a machinist when I was a child, working many long hours at the loud, industrial sewing machine running up sackloads of clothes for clothing manufacturers. I was mesmerised by the boxes of leftover thread bobbins -the colours! - I loved sorting them. I just "needed" to sew to use them!
A desire to reclaim "me", a distraction from the tedium of housework, to delight & inspire my offspring, these all play a part in what led me back to crochet and sewing. Also, I guess, the inability to be idle, a desperate need to be "creating", a surreptitious wish to "show off", and something purposeful for all my squirrelled haberdashery purchases?
Which part of your work do you most enjoy?
The shopping, lol. For some women, it’s shoes and handbags (case in point my sister & mum), but for me, there is nothing more intoxicating than being let loose in haberdashery shops; I will lovingly stroke my new purchases of wool or lay out my newly acquired fabric scraps in the way many women like to do with their latest fashion buys. A bit weird, but since joining the bigger online crafting world, I realise I am not alone!
Of course, on a more serious note, it goes without saying that the whole creative process is enjoyable (otherwise, why do it? Not for the money that’s for sure!)… it’s can be maddening, trying to transform a floaty idea into something tangible, but I guess that's what makes the final stage most thrilling!
Which part do you find hardest?
On the business front, it has been a steep learning curve, having learnt on the Folksy forum that I was meant to have registered as a small business when I started! I am determined to do things properly, and so I’m learning how to sort out the paperwork & work with HMRC :o)Where do you hope to be in 1 year’s time?
I hope to be healthy and well, enjoying my time with my family & celebrating my daughter having passed her 11+ exams! I hope that Treaclezoo will continue to grow its following of delighted customers and that I will continue to make lovely goodies that people want to buy & enjoy owning or giving. I also hope my husband will continue to enjoy helping me with his wonderful photography and pc expertise!
What is the best advice you have ever been given?
On many craft sites & blogs, the mantra of "make what you love" is espoused, and I’d have to say it rings true. My parents always told me that if I work hard, I will be able to achieve: I will always be indebted to them for instilling self confidence in me & pride in what I do – they are rare breed of Chinese parents, where often, the norm is to belittle your kids efforts in the hope it spurs them onto greatness!
Proverbs 16:3, "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed" is very important to me and underpins my life and all I do.
Could you name artisans sites/shops would you recommend are worth a visit?
There are so many! And many I enjoy have been mentioned many times by others, so here are a couple you might not have heard of so often:
for pure crochet yumminess & the simple pleasures of being a homemaker, Laura at Attic24.
Patchwork really appeals to the fabric-love side of me, and Laurraine makes exquisite goodies that take patchwork away from the bedspread in a way that I love.
Lastly, local to me, Daisies are our Silver is a local lass whom I like to drag down to the ghost town that is our local high street, so that we can rummage in charity shops together. Her 3D work is beautifully detailed & not captured sufficiently in photos – the kind of work that needs to be held in one’s fingertips to be truly appreciated. I find her cartoon sketches delightful. She sells on Etsy & Folksy and her descriptions alone are always worth a peek.
What is your favourite sandwich filling?
Anything with egg, whether boiled & mashed with mayo & a handful of cress, or fried with crispy bacon, or maybe an omelette with mushrooms in a baguette… mmm, feeling hungry just thinking about it!
Thank you Kwun for agreeing to join us on our blog! Your Etsy and Folksy shops are so full of fabulous goodies. Dear reader, if you want to see more of Kwuns work she also has a Flickr account you can take a look through. Remember all the photos link to the items in their shops, so click through and look around. Happy Sunday browsing everyone!
Posted by
Captain Skulduggery Dug
12:21 pm
Labels: amigurumi, Artisan of the week, crochet, dolls, felt, treaclezoo
20 Feb 2009
New sellers on Artfire.
Although Artfire is still in it's infancy it is growing fast, with new sellers are joining everyday. It's great to see all the fabulous range of goods they have to offer. So much talent producing such quality handmade items. I had a hard time today narrowing down who I was going to show you because there were just so many items I like. I'll have to do this again to squeeze in a few more. Here are the choices for today.Lynne of Whim Originals designed and created this stunning bracelet of copper and sterling silver. I love the different textures. Lynne's shop is worth a visit. There is lots of beautiful jewellery there. As well as Lynne's Artfire shop she also has a website of her own with more information about her work.
Crotcheted Little Things, as the name suggests, lovingly makes crocheted goods. She has pin cushions, jewellery, slippers and much more. This bag is made from plarn, which ticks 3 of my boxes when shopping. It's useful for shopping, it's well made and the materials used are recycled from plastic carrier bags. All round it's brilliant!
Neo Ma has been on Artfire for just over a month and designs and makes very elegant jewellery. This purple crystal hair vine would be great for wearing with that little black dress to add a bit of sparkle to a night out. If you are very quick you can take advantage of a special offer Neo Ma has running until the 21st February. Check it out.
Saplanet Originals is a shop chock full of fun. This Frankencubie Monster doll is one of many super cute creations. Saplanet also sells some of her amigurumi patterns for those more creative people out there that want to make it themselves. Check out the expression of the wolf in her shop. It's classic!
Marions Dream Works must spend hundreds of hours on her craft. Linking all the little chainmaille rings in such beautiful patterns must take lots of concentration and practice. This sterling silver bracelet caught my eye because it is so intricate yet so clean lines appealed to me. Marion also adds crystals in some of her peices for those looking for a bit of a twinkle in their Jewellery.
So as you can see. Artfire is continuing to draw in many talented people to the site. Have a look around and see for yourself just how many lovingly hand made goods are on offer.
Posted by
Captain Skulduggery Dug
8:33 am
19 Feb 2009
6 by 6 tag game.
I've been tagged by the lovely Michelle who writes the photography tips for this blog: the tag is to take part in the 6 by 6 game. Rules: choose the sixth image out of your sixth picture folder from your computer and blog it. Then tag six more people to do the same.
I've decided instead of tagging six bloggers I would just pick 6 peoples items that relate to the 6th file, 6th picture to show you.Well this is it, the 6th of the 6th photo. It's me hula hooping on the beach. The photo was taken last year by Jon. We were waiting for friends to join us and I was hooping so they would be able to find us easily when they got down past the dunes onto the sand. The people in the background are attempting to put up a beach tent shelter because as you can see by the state of my hair although it was very sunny and warm it was very, very windy. It was a fabulous day!
I found this print of an original pastel painting in Art by Joni shop. Isn't it beautiful! There is a path like this down to the beach I'm hooping on in the above photo. Check out the rest of Joni's work. Her shop is well worth a visit.
Blue Gorilla Gallery has this burlesque hooper doing her thing. This bright and vibrant original acrylic on canvas painting could be yours. I think it would make a great talking point when hung on the wall. I love it.
Andy Fee's small original watercolour is just so much fun. People on the sand playing in the sunshine. I love days like that. This image captures that so beautifully, yet simply. I can almost smell the seaside aroma.
I picked Zozo Cards little Koala to share because he looks like he is having lots of fun and to me that's what hula hooping is all about. This print would make a perfect gift for a hula hoop lover or a Koala lover.
Mountain Brook Store created this fabulous wooden silhouette of children building sandcastles on the beach. It brings to mind my childhood looking through rock pools for crabs and other sea creatures. The little shovels are just perfect.
Boolady's shop is full of vintage pictures and this one just makes me smile so much. This is a photo from way back when hula hooping was in it's infancy and Boolady looks like she's really hooping it up! I'm loving the TV in the background too.
So there are my six choices that relate to my 6th of the 6th. All of these items have triggered much loved memories for me, so thank you for tagging me Michelle.
Posted by
Captain Skulduggery Dug
10:43 am
Labels: art work, beach, hula hoops, paintings, photography, wood carving
18 Feb 2009
Here’s another set animal themed items for you. This time it’s giraffe. They just happen to be my favourite animals. I love how they’re so tall and elegant but can also be amazingly silly looking things, with blue tongues. As you may have realised, giraffes also feature in my shop name. Unfortunately I’m yet to make any giraffe themed items – so a wasted advertising opportunity there! Luckily there are plenty of much more talented people who have produced some yummy giraffe items for me to look at.The first of said talent people is Nell Smith. This shop contains a large variety of hand screen printed items, ranging from baby wear to purses and scarves. The designs are clean cute and bright, producing some very desirable items. My favourite, of course, is this cotton baby t-shirt featuring two incredibly sweet giraffes.
Now, some amazingly elegant giraffes in the Serengeti sunset, from tracychong. This pop up card is beautifully designed and crafted, making it a perfect greetings card for everyone, including people like me who are slightly obsessed with giraffes! I love pop up cards and books and are amazed by anyone who can make them this well! Maybe that’s a theme for another week….
Another children’s item again - I just can’t seem to help it! Two sets of friends are expecting babies this week and I’m all excited! I can’t wait for an excuse to start buying clothes, toys and general mini sized things. Anyway, I really loving this giraffe and the whole range of old fashioned wooden toys made by oppsthatsart. I’m so glad that people still make things like this. They are so simple but so much fun! This shop also contains a hippo, camel, elephant, dinosaur, duck, pig, train, helicopter and a car - all wooden, all with wheels on!
This gorgeous T-shirt by Rainbow Swirlz on Etsy. Bold, colourful, fun and very cool – I love this top. It comes in a variety of different colours and sizes. Perfect for the weekend happiness!
To finish with, a personalised giraffe, in note card form, from perideau designs'. This set of 6 digitally printed giraffe note cards are extremely cute and great fun. This is just one set of a lovely range of personalized cards and accessories for adults and children.
So, that’s all the lovely giraffe items I found this week. Just thought I’d mention that my boyfriend wanted me to title this post Giraffic Park. I didn’t find it quite as funny as he did, but I don’t think he’d forgive me if I didn’t get that in there somewhere. Hope it makes someone giggle somewhere!
I must return to the sewing machine now. I’ve had a small panic this week about my first craft fair, which is the first week of April, Handm@de Cambridge. I’m finding the organization quite hard – whether I have enough stock, what my stall should look like, how much I could charge etc. Maybe someone would like to write a piece about this for Autonomous Artisans to help me out?!
Posted by
Captain Skulduggery Dug
8:29 am
Labels: cards, giraffe, stationary, t-shirts, toys
17 Feb 2009
Wedding Season
So Spring is on it's way and that means new beginnings, fresh shoots and the Wedding season gets into full swing. Friends of mine recently announced they were engaged and going to get married later this year. In all honesty I don't think anyone was surprised by news because they have been together for a long time and make a good couple. Their personalities compliment each other perfectly.So what is the first thing you need for a wedding? I guess it has to be rings, for what is a wedding without the giving and receiving of rings? Shade Jewelry made this stunning textured titanium wedding band set. I really like these. They look somewhat different from the norm and I think that's great!
Next you need wedding stationery because without wedding invites no one will be there to share your special day. This set comes from Made with love stationery Boutique and includes invites, thank you cards, RSVP's and place cards. Match up your stationery to your wedding theme and colour scheme.
Now Weddings are a great excuse for getting all dressed up and Hannahs Tutus offers these lovely fluffy floral bridesmaid dresses for your little princesses to wear. This shop will make the dresses to size and offers a large range of colours, so you are sure to find something to match your colour scheme.
Sara Gadd Millinery made these stunning lilies hair pins. They are a great alternative to wearing the traditional wedding hat. So if your mother or sister is not a hat lover they can still have something special to go with their outfit as Sara makes these in many colours.
Every wedding needs a beautiful keep sake and SJEngraving offers a perfect one. Smooth and cool to the touch, well rounded and very tactile, these engraved oathing stones can be blessed at the ceremony and hold that blessing for the years ahead. They are like a solid reminder of the promises made and the love shared. I think they are gorgeous.
Weddings can be exciting and yet stressful times, because planning for it and making the most special day of your life into a perfect event can fray the nerves a bit, but never fear, there are many people out there that are itching to help you make that day into your perfect fantasy. Going down the handmade route for your Wedding means you can get things made the way you want them.
Posted by
Captain Skulduggery Dug
10:17 am
Labels: bridesmades, hairpins, invites, keepsake, millinery, rings, stationary, tutu, wedding